We are working to compile our activities since 2017. If you’d like to add your initiative to this list, please let us know.


2024 Events

June 2024

FCSCWN at CASWE-ACFTS, Montreal QC [in person]

This year’s conference saw a record number of Filipino and Filipino Canadian practitioners attending and presenting at CASWE-ACFTS annual conference.

We organized a practitioner and student dinner with karaoke at MC Restaurant in Côte-Des-Neiges.

The Network presented a panel entitled Combatting in/visibility: Filipino/a/x Anti-Racist Counter-Narratives in Social Work (Batac, Ferrer, Pino, Ticar, and Wilson).

Feb 25 2024

Pinoys on Parliament

For the second year in a row, the FCSCWN participated in the Pinoys on Parliament 2024 Community Symposium held on February 25th at the University of Ottawa. Network Members Alyssa Schenk and Dr. Ilyan Ferrer attended.

Feb 2024

Feb 2024: Group attendance of “Everything Has Disappeared”

Network member Monica Batac organized a small cohort of current BSW and MSW students from University of Manitoba to attend Hazel Venzon’s Everything Has Disappeared in Winnipeg.


Pictured below: Ameerah Andaya (UM BSW alum), Rafael Laureano (MSW student), Lillian Talabis (BSW student), Chloe Cosico (BSW student), and Monica Batac (Lecturer)