Nov 8 2021
Invited Panel at McMaster University [online]
Invited by Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard to SOC 742: Organizational & Social Change: Theories, Practices and Possibilities for Leadership, Monica Batac, Veronica Javier, Dr. Fritz Pino, and Dr. Ilyan Ferrer spoke with students about the topic of Leadership from the Margins.

Jul 8 2021
Practitioner Networking + Podcast Live Listen & Dialogue [online]
We invited new and returning members for this virtual event. The first half of the event was focused on networking using Zoom breakout rooms. Then, we shared some updates and new developments regarding this grassroots network. Afterwards, we hosted a live listen to a pilot podcast episode created by Monica Batac, Dr. Ilyan Ferrer, Dr. Fritz Pino, and Veronica Javier, for their submission to the CASWE-ACFTS 2021 Conference, Decolonial Dreaming in Social Work Education. This podcast was inspired by Amber Dion and Terri Suntjens’ popular podcast, 2 Crees in a Pod. We then opened the floor for discussion and comment, keen to hear from others about their interest in podcasting for knowledge dissemination / outreach for this network.
June 3 2021
CASWE-ACFTS Presentation [online]
Offered in pre-recorded podcast form, Monica Batac, Dr. Fritz Pino, Dr. Ilyan Ferrer, joined by Veronica Javier, gave a presentation “Highlighting the local and national emergent issues within Filipino/a/x Canadian social services in Canada” and fielded questions from social work scholars, colleagues, and students about the Network and emerging podcast project.